October 09

Addressing Indiana’s Housing Shortage: Unlocking Residential Development Opportunities on Brownfield Sites


As we’ve traveled across Indiana, engaging with mayors and local leaders, the issue of growing a workforce without an adequate housing inventory continues to be front and center. In response, we’ve launched an initiative aimed at identifying potential residential redevelopment sites within city limits by focusing on Brownfield properties.

Brownfields—sites impacted by past industrial or commercial use—often have the potential to be transformed into thriving residential spaces. With our specialized tools and expertise, we can assist cities in revitalizing these properties, potentially cleaning up environmental contaminants at little to no cost to the city or its taxpayers. At this year’s AIM Ideas Summit, EnviroForensics CEO Steve Henshaw spoke on this topic during his workshop “Finding Your Diamond in the Rough by Looking Closer at Problem Properties.” By rehabilitating these sites, we aim to contribute to the solution for Indiana’s housing shortage while turning underutilized land into valuable community assets.

We look forward to continuing our work with Indiana’s cities to create sustainable, affordable housing solutions that benefit both residents and local economies.

To learn more about our work, explore our Brownfields Redevelopment services.