Using Historical Insurance to Cover Investigation and Cleanup Costs

by: Steve Henshaw, CEO of EnviroForensics & PolicyFind

As seen in Cleaner & Launderer
Clothes hanging in dry cleaning warehouse
Underground contamination can be a problem at a dry cleaning site that used chlorinated solvents in the past, but it this doesn’t have to be something that ruins a business owner’s savings or reputation.

More often than not, environmental contamination and historical operations of a dry cleaning business go hand in hand. While this may sound unfair, one could say the same thing about the historical operations of a gas station, a metal plater, and even a computer microchip manufacturer. This was particularly true for activities in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Industries that used chemicals for cleaning and degreasing were not aware that when those chemicals spilled, even accidentally and in small quantities, they could (and often) have led to soil and groundwater contamination.

Why are degreasing chemicals harmful?

Degreasing chemicals fall under a general organic chemistry category called chlorinated hydrocarbons or chlorinated solvents. These chemicals are characterized as being heavier than water (meaning they sink into the groundwater), persistent in the environment (meaning they don’t decompose very fast), volatile (meaning they prefer being in the gas phase over the liquid phase) and carcinogenic (meaning they have been determined to either cause cancer or may likely cause cancer at certain exposure levels). No matter which side of the argument you stand on, whether cleaning solvents cause cancer or not, one thing everyone should agree on is that investigating and remediating chlorinated solvent sites with Perchloroethylene (PERC) or Trichloroethylene (TCE) is very expensive.

Who’s responsible for the clean up?

With respect to responsibility, any person or company that owned or operated a business where chlorinated solvents were used should know that with very few exceptions, they are legally liable for contamination associated with that business and operation. Worse yet, the law states that an individual or the business is held jointly and severally responsible. Finally, like taxes, environmental liability is considered a long-tail liability in that it never goes away.
On the face of it, what I’ve presented seems so unfair. After all, chlorinated solvents were considered to be safe and state of the art since they were not explosive or flammable like petroleum based products (e.g. kerosene or Stoddard solvent). People were handling the solvents in accordance with the laws of the time some 50 years ago and now they are considered an environmental risk subject to legal enforcement. Businesses that operated with good housekeeping practices and followed the rules are subject to be in the same category as a business that showed blatant disregard for the laws or the environment and operated a business with intentional pollution. In addition, a business that operated only for one year is just as liable for the environmental contamination as a business that operated for 20 years. Who makes this stuff up? It most certainly is not fair. Enough of the doom and gloom though.

“Absolute Pollution Exclusion”

After ~1985, most insurance companies added very specific language to CGL policies that contained absolute pollution exclusion. In other words, they were not covering individuals and businesses for pollution or contamination associated with dry cleaning operations. A separate environmental policy would be required to cover environmental pollution and contamination. Better yet, the courts in some states have ruled that the term “pollution” and therefore “pollution exclusion” is an ambiguous term due to the way insurance policies were written, even after the nationwide changes that took place in ~1985.

Consider these two examples:

  1. If an accident happened while you were filling your car’s gas tank at that gas station and you or someone you were with was injured, then you would expect the gas station’s insurance to cover any injuries.
  2. Yet, if the gasoline from a gas station drained into the ground and caused contamination to drinking water, this situation would not be covered by insurance because the gasoline is now considered a contaminant. I think this logic was in play when courts of some states ruled that the word “contamination” was ambiguous.

So, if you or your business bought CGL insurance before the policies contained absolute pollution exclusion language, you are likely to have insurance coverage that can address environmental contamination, even if that contamination has only been recently discovered. In addition, if you acquired the business, the business before you may have insurance that would cover environmental contamination costs.

You might say, “That’s all great, but what if I can’t find my old policies or the policies that were bought by former owners?”. In my experience, more times than not, those old policies (or evidence of insurance) can still be found. There are companies, like PolicyFind™, with investigators called insurance archeologists that focus on finding old policies or evidence of old policies. In my experience, more often than not, a good insurance archeologist can find evidence of old insurance.

Let’s say you found old insurance. Now what? Insurance is designed to defend and indemnify a policyholder against a claim. The claim is the demand from the regulatory agency or third party requiring action to mitigate the damage or harm. In some states, a claim or suit could be a letter from the regulatory agency or a neighboring property owner demanding a response to identified environmental contamination. In other states, the courts have determined that the insurers must only defend an actual lawsuit.

insurance archeologist looking through files
A consultation from an experienced insurance archeologist can uncover millions of dollars in usable assets to pay for environmental cleanup and legal fees.

In pulling this concept together, a defense would include paying for lawyers dealing with the environmental contamination. A defense would also include quantifying an individual or business’s environmental exposure and liability. The only way to quantify environmental liability is to collect environmental samples (e.g. soil, soil gas, indoor vapor, and groundwater). It would also mean determining how expensive a cleanup would be, which means that aquifer tests, feasibility studies, and remediation technology evaluations, should be covered.

Obviously, the process of using old insurance policies has many parts and can include an insurance archeology component, a legal component, and a technical component. All three parts have to work together to get the business back in good standing. Understanding all aspects of the process is not your job, that’s why you hire experts like EnviroForensics® and PolicyFind™ to take care of the process for you.

If you’re facing an environmental liability of hundreds of thousands of dollars, you should look into historical insurance policies and see how they could work for you and your situation. We have worked with hundreds of business owners who have used historical insurance to help pay for environmental investigations and remediation. Depending on the set of facts, known environmental insurance claims can be sold and assigned to other third parties to manage and run. Small businesses, including their stock, insurance assets and liabilities can be bought and sold. There are numerous permutations to the business side of managing environmental claims and a whole new industry is in front of us. It might be encouraging to know that there are companies out there still fighting the good fight.

Contact us today by filling out our Dry Cleaner Form

With over 30 years of experience, Steve Henshaw, PG has a wide range of experience in the environmental remediation field. As CEO of EnviroForensics, Henshaw serves as a client and technical manager on projects associated with site characterization, remedial design, remedial implementation and operation, litigation support and insurance coverage matters. These projects have included landfills, solvent and petroleum refineries, metal plating shops, food processors, chemical manufacturers and distributors, heavy equipment manufacturers, and transporters. Henshaw’s expertise includes knowledge of industry practices and procedures, and an extensive understanding of contaminants in soil and groundwater. He has also served as a testifying expert on behalf of individual landowners and facility operators at several Brownfields sites impacted by industrial activities.

Henshaw is passionate about access to clean water in developing countries and co-found a 501(c)(3) nonprofit called Water For Empowerment in 2015. The organization’s current project empowers women and girls in rural Nicaragua to create healthy futures through clean water initiatives.

Mercury Cleaners Are Environmental Stewards

Mercury CleanersMercury Cleaner chose to be environmental stewards and participate in the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP) in an effort to clean up the environment.

Brett Dygert says, “With EnviroForensics help they were able to not only get the clean up started, but found the money to pay for it to let me stay in business.”

To accomplish environmental remediation (“cleanup” of contaminants in the ground), businesses work with geologists, scientists and engineers to characterize the extent of contamination so that the appropriate amount of remediation can be designed and implemented. Sometimes the removal of impacted material off-site is the best management practice. Other times remediation can be accomplished through an in-situ (in-place) remediation technology, which often leaves a smaller carbon footprint.

Stewarding the environment can protect our resources, and provide an improved and sustainable quality of life for communities.

To accomplish environmental remediation, businesses work with geologists, scientists and engineers to design an in-situ (in-place) remediation system that will clean the soil and groundwater in the area of the property. A simple graphic of the Soil Vapor Extraction system for your reference.

How It Works: The Soil Vapor Extraction “sparging” system shown on the infograph will inject compressed air approximately 45 feet into the ground to treat groundwater and remove the soil impacts with a heavy duty industrial vacuum (called Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE)). This method of treatment effectively cleans up the environment (soil, groundwater and air), reduces potential waste to landfills, and minimizes associated local concerns.

EnviroForensics is an environmental engineering firm specializing in soil and groundwater investigation and remediation and vapor intrusion assessment and mitigation. EnviroForensics® is the leading environmental engineering company in the country addressing environmental liabilities and finding funding by locating and bringing to your defense old insurance policies. EnviroForensics® has pioneered and perfected the utilization of Comprehensive General Liability insurance policies as a resource to pay for the high costs associated with soil and groundwater investigations, remediations, and legal defense.


Written by Stephen R. Henshaw, President & CEO, EnviroForensics

As seen in the November 2014 issue of Cleaner & Launderer

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“How clean is clean”, has been a phrase that has been debated for decades.  It is used in reference to determining the degree to which a site that is contaminated by chlorinated solvents such as PCE (Perc) and TCE, needs to be cleaned up and remediated before the site is deemed to be free of environmental encumbrances.   Commonly this clean up level is based on concurrence from the regulatory agency overseeing the site. When the regulatory agency determines that cleanup levels have been satisfactorily demonstrated, they will issue a No-Further-Action (or equivalent) letter.  But not all site closures are equal, nor in the best interest of the property owner.

I want to tell you this because obtaining site closure may not avail a property owner with property that can be marketed and utilized to its fullest value, even constricting future land uses.  I want to tell you this because most people are so afraid of the environmental contamination that their focus is on getting the site closed.  By putting the site closure focus ahead of the future value may leave a property owner with a long-term management problem and an under preforming asset.  If property owners do not think about the future land use and long-term monitoring requirements of a property, they could be restricted to use the property for a specific land use (e.g. industrial or commercial) by way of a deed restriction that is placed on the property for generations to come.  The property owner could be required to manage contamination left in place by having to ensure that the deed restriction is enforced. They could be required to maintain the operation and maintenance of a vapor mitigation system for as long as twenty to thirty years after site closure.  They might even find that a bank is not willing to lend on the property, restricting the use of the property as collateral for fear of future changes in the law or potential future third party personal injury or property value claims.


Choosing an environmental consultant for your unique situation


A variety of different hard hats that environmental consultants wear lined up in multiple rows


I recently changed real estate agents after he was unsuccessful in selling a unique piece of property. My house was nice, but not great. What this property did have was a fantastic view, but a buyer had to physically get up to the house to see it first. In the end, I felt that my original broker didn’t have the right ideas to sell my unique situation. This concept of needing that special expertise can apply to a small business owner hiring an environmental consultant.


There is arguably no bigger issue for a small business owner to deal with than the issue of environmental contamination and liability. Businesses and savings have been lost because the environmental contamination and liability were so expensive. That being said, choosing the right environmental consultant is an extremely important decision. But as important as this decision is, more times than not, a small business owner selects an environmental consultant one of the following ways:

  1. The consultant is a referral from a friend or an associate; 
  2. The consultant was selected because he happened to be in close proximity; or
  3.  The consultant was perceived to be the least expensive.

In light of the importance of this decision, choosing an environmental consultant based on referrals, location and cost is an amateur’s approach. This article is intended to point out that selecting an environmental consultant should be one of the most important business decisions you are faced with and that there are important differences between consultants. Let’s face it, if a business owner doesn’t know that there are differences between environmental consultants, countless hours and dollars may be wasted, projects could drag on for years and site closure or settlement may not be achieved.


Let’s first discuss what an environmental consultant does and the difference between the many disciplines of environmental work. Most consultants have areas of focus or specialty areas. Those might include: 

  1. Due diligence projects for banks on the property transaction and refinancing side 
  2. Cleaning up contaminated gasoline stations 
  3. Wetlands and endangered wildlife
  4. Permitting, compliance, and zoning 
  5. Remediation and site closure of sites contaminated by cleaning solvents and the vapor intrusion that accompanies those contaminated sites

A business owner needs to interview potential consultants to find out what their area of focus is. If your site involves the release of cleaning solvents like tetrachloroethylene (PCE or Perc) or trichloroethylene (TCE), you need to make sure that consultant has that experience and ask how many sites they have worked on, how many they have closed and how long the process took.


Now, let’s discuss the issue of cost. While it’s easy to get caught up on the labor rates being charged by a consultant, the bigger issue is always, how much out of pocket will this cost your business and over what period of time? Selecting the lowest cost is foolhardy and rarely works out in the end to your advantage. If you go out to bid, what are you looking at? If you start a phase of work, such as a work plan, the collection of soil or groundwater samples, the installation of monitoring wells, reporting, and the like, it is difficult to change plans. A low bid could end up being accompanied by numerous change orders, negating any savings anticipated. I’m not suggesting that business owners select the lowest bid, but I would not go to the cheapest dentist and you shouldn’t choose your environmental consultant on the cheapest basis either.


Another question to ask is who will be paying for the investigation and cleanup? Are there any funding sources besides your business? Our firm specializes in finding alternative funding to pay for environmental liabilities. Because we specialize in the area of finding alternative funding sources, we always look for these opportunities. We may not always be able to find the funding, but we are successful more times than not and we always look for alternative funding sources.

Oftentimes, business owners have little interest in the science side of environmental liability, so ask the consultant for a road map of the process. Why are you being targeted? Are others contributing? What are the steps to resolve your liability? A consultant doesn’t have a crystal ball and cannot tell you precisely what they will find as the investigation proceeds, but they need to have a road map and a plan of action.

Discuss with the consultant what your financial resources are, because if you cannot afford to get to the end game, you may be better off not starting at all. I believe that business owners need to know what they are facing so they are not surprised. This means you might hear things you do not want to hear. I don’t advocate for bankruptcy, but I’ve seen business owners spend their life savings and then also go bankrupt.


Selecting an environmental consultant may be the biggest decision for your business, so treat it very seriously. Select your consultant like you would select your doctor. You wouldn’t have a foot doctor working on your heart and you should not have a tank removal contractor working on a solvent spill. Here’s a quick checklist to go over with a potential consultant:

  1. Find out how many sites the consultant has worked on and how many they have closed. 
  2. Don’t choose a consultant on price alone and don’t choose a consultant because they tell you what you want to hear. 
  3. Be strong and ask tough questions about the investigation and remediation process. (see the link to example questionnaire below)
  4. Find out if there are alternative sources of funding other than just your business. If the consultant doesn’t have a clue as to what you are asking, run the other direction. 
  5. Understand why you are doing the work and whether you need the site closed to sell the property or the business. 
  6. Ask for a road map and plan of action. 
  7. Find out how committed they are to you. 
  8. Find out if they will work with you on a payment plan.
  9. Find out if they will conduct work for a lump sum. 
  10. Find out if they can work flexible hours to minimize business interruption.

Download our PDF of 12 questions you should ask an environmental consultant before hiring them

In the end, an environmental consultant works for you and they need to have all of your interests in mind and they need to fight for you as if you’re family. If your consultant is not working out like you believe that they should be, you can change consultants. There are plenty of good environmental consultants to work with, but there may be only a select few that are the right fit for your unique situation.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with your unique environmental situation

Stephen R. Henshaw, Founder
Entrepreneur and expert on environmental liability, Steve Henshaw has 30 years saving transactions by compelling carriers to cover legal cleanup costs for site owners. Henshaw holds professional geology registrations in numerous states. As the Founder of EnviroForensics, Henshaw has served as a client and technical manager on over 350 projects associated with site characterization, remedial design, remedial implementation and operation, litigation support and insurance coverage matters.

These projects include landfills, solvent and petroleum refineries, foundries, metal plating shops, food processors, wood treating facilities, chemical manufacturers and distributors, mines and quarries, heavy equipment manufacturers, computer manufacturers, and transporters. He has experience in a variety of geological settings including soft sediments, fractured bedrock, glacial outwash, wetlands, and landslides. Henshaw’s expertise includes a strong knowledge of past and current industry practices and procedures, and a hands-on, practical understanding of the fate and transport of contaminants in soil and groundwater. He has also served as a testifying expert on liability issues on behalf of individual landowners and facility operators at several sites impacted by industrial activities and continues to provide technical and litigation support services.

Vapor Intrusion or Process Emissions – Help Me, Help You

Written by Stephen R. Henshaw, President & CEO, EnviroForensics

As seen in the August 2014 issue of Cleaner & Launderer

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I’ve talked a lot about vapor intrusion over the past few years. Vapor intrusion occurs when volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil and groundwater off-gas and migrate into occupied buildings and store fronts. The need to conduct vapor intrusion sampling is often times the result of VOCs in the soil and groundwater. Typically a vapor intrusion assessment will include collecting sub-slab soil gas samples along with the collection of indoor air samples. This paired sampling, as it is often times referred to, is designed to show two things: 1) whether or not there is contamination in the subsurface soil gas sample that could create a vapor intrusion issue; and 2) whether or not there are concentrations of VOCs in the breathing air that could be attributable to the subsurface contamination.

I want to tell you this because if it is determined that vapor intrusion exists and VOCs are migrating from the subsurface into occupied building structures, you as the responsible party for the subsurface impacts, would also be responsible for mitigating those vapors. Additionally, the identification of a vapor intrusion issue in buildings not owned by you could lead to the potential for third party litigation should it be determined that people have been breathing contaminated air. Continue reading “Vapor Intrusion or Process Emissions – Help Me, Help You”

Remediation of PCE and TCE in Impacted Soil and Groundwater Requires Teamwork and Coordination

Written by Stephen R. Henshaw, President and CEO of EnviroForensics

As Seen in the May 2014 issue of the Cleaner & Launderer

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Cleaning up soil and groundwater contamination from a release of chlorinated solvents, such as tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) can be a time consuming and complicated process.  That’s why it is so important for you to build the right team to represent you during this process.  That team should understand what your business plans are and your schedule for implementing those plans.  Dealing with environmental contamination is a crossroads of where you have been and where you are going with your business and your future.  It can be an opportunity that forces you to make decisions that you may not have considered, like, “What do I want to do with the business? What about the property?”  If you don’t develop the right team, you could spend a great deal of money addressing the cleanup without having a road map as to what to expect.  If you do not have the right team you could have business interruptions from drilling activities, and face a parade of activities that seem never ending.  With the right team, you don’t need to become an expert on environmental matters – that’s what you have them for. They’re the experts and they communicate with you so you know what’s going on without needing to take chemistry classes. You should be able to focus on your business, while your team focuses on how to move your project through the site closure process.

The most important thing to understand about this concept of building the right team, is that the team must represent the outcome that you desire, within your expectations, and the team that you rely on needs to be strong enough to give you the truth and their best professional opinions, even when the news is bad.  The second most important point is that your team needs to have a good working relationship with one another.  Your consultant and your attorney need to be on the same page as to the Site Closure strategy.  Depending on the business owner’s future plans, site closure strategies might vary significantly.  Your strategy might be to sell your business, but while the property is being remediated, you can’t.  You may own the property and want to refinance it, but most banks are reluctant to loan on the property as long as it is impaired.  You may have no immediate plans to change your business at all and you just want to control the outflow of cash while you focus on growing your business.  These are all different business scenarios that I’ve seen and they all directly affect the site closure strategy. Continue reading “Remediation of PCE and TCE in Impacted Soil and Groundwater Requires Teamwork and Coordination”


Written by Stephen R. Henshaw, President and CEO of EnviroForensics & PolicyFind
As Seen in the March 2014 issue of the Cleaner & Launderer

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The environmental remediation industry has been in full swing for the last 35 years, but it has only been in the past few years that the regulatory agencies have come to accept risk-based closures as a practical cleanup strategy. In the recent past, cleanup criteria was established for hundreds of individual chemical constituents for soil, surface water and groundwater. The cleanup criteria was based on the toxicological risks assigned to each of the chemical constituents and then further divided into different land-use scenarios (e.g. residential, commercial, wetlands, etc.)

This process made it easy for people to know what the target cleanup objective would be. That is not to say that there was not frustration over the toxicological science that was used to establish the cleanup criteria, but, because the closure numbers were laid out on a table, it made the discussion with the regulatory agencies black and white.


DERF Goes Broke (Again): Historical Insurance Remains Source of Funding

For the second time in 5 years, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ (WDNR) Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF) has run out of funds necessary to keep pace with claims from dry cleaners dealing with perc cleanups. In the meantime, the WDNR has expressed no intention to slow down its enforcement activities.

The language from WDNR Hydrogeologist Theresa Evanson, P.H.’s letter to drycleaners specifically states, “Despite the projected DERF revenue shortfall and anticipated delays in reimbursements to eligible drycleaners, state law still requires that those responsible for contamination or who own contaminated property undertake investigation and cleanup of those properties.” This is an alarming statement to many drycleaners already involved in the DERF and uncertain when they’ll receive DERF aid. It’s even more disturbing if you’re a dry cleaner who’s trying to refinance or sell his business and who was counting on the DERF to be there if due diligence detected any contamination.

Continue reading “DERF Goes Broke (Again): Historical Insurance Remains Source of Funding”

Vapor Intrusion – A Concern, but an Easy Fix

Written by Stephen R. Henshaw, President and CEO of EnviroForensics & PolicyFind

As Seen in the January 2014 issue of the Cleaner & Launderer

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Those of you who have read my past articles, have heard me speak, or have ever looked at EnviroForensics’ website, know that we specialize in helping dry cleaners work through the regulatory and insurance maze of investigating and remediating soil and groundwater impacts caused by the release of percholoroethene (PCE).  The EnviroForensics team takes pride in helping to solve environmental problems for the dry cleaning industry; and over the past 18 years, we have helped more than 400 dry cleaners.

So much has changed since I started working with dry cleaners.  The laws and regulations enforced by the regulatory agencies, the cleanup technology, and the perceived human health exposure of vapors, known as vapor intrusion, are continually changing and evolving.   It seems that the only constants are that dry cleaners are targets and continue to be blamed when PCE is found in soil and groundwater. PCE is considered a risk to public health, contaminated soil and groundwater makes property transactions difficult to complete, and cleaning up PCE in soil and groundwater is expensive.  Oh, and old CGL insurance policies continue to be one of the saving graces for dry cleaners when faced with the daunting reality that they have been named as a party responsible for PCE contamination. Continue reading “Vapor Intrusion – A Concern, but an Easy Fix”

Increased Attention To Dry Cleaners Likely Under New Property Due Diligence Requirements

Written by Steve Henshaw, President & CEO, EnviroForensics

As seen in the December 2013 issue of Cleaner & Launderer

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On November 6, 2013 ASTM E1527-13 became official as the guidance standard used by environmental consultants for conducting Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments.  Environmental Site Assessments are required by banks and lenders before those entities loan money on real estate holdings and they are designed to identify potential or existing environmental liabilities associated with the subject properties.  The reason that this is important to dry cleaners is that the new guidance puts greater emphasis on assessing the potential impacts from vapor intrusion and vapor migration on the property.  In fact, the definition of a “release” within the guidance has been changed to include contamination in the subsurface vapor phase, in addition to the soil and groundwater.

Continue reading “Increased Attention To Dry Cleaners Likely Under New Property Due Diligence Requirements”