We are humbled to have some of the foremost minds in the Environmental Consulting industry right under our roof! Our staff boasts decades of experience, and the knowledge and wisdom to help move environmental science forward in a profound way. Our Director of Vapor Intrusion Services, Megan Hamilton, is one those individuals keeping us on the cutting edge, and she’ll be imparting some of that wisdom on an international stage this week!
Hamilton is headed to the Air and Waste Management Association’s Vapor Intrusion, Remediation, and Site Closure Conference in San Diego, California. This is the 8th specialty conference hosted by AWMA focused on the critical and changing area of Vapor Intrusion, and one of the few conferences in the world to focus on this particular exposure pathway.

Hamilton will be presenting a poster in the exhibit hall entitled, “The Cost and Liability of Evolving VI Technical Guidance.” The research for her presentation was a team effort with EnviroForensics Executive Vice President, Jeff Carnahan, LPG, and Professional Staff members Grace Randall and Kathleen Nazareth pitching in. This presentation evaluates how high levels of uncertainty and conservatism during the early years of VI regulation may have affected the exposure assumptions and costs associated with the investigation and mitigation of the VI pathway at remediation sites. In this study, a portfolio of sites consisting of nearly 40 subsurface releases of PCE or TCE have been reevaluated based on a series of guidance milestones since 2002. Actual assessment and mitigation costs have been compared with those that would have been occurred if performed under older state and federal VI guidance, and the latest version of the Final U.S. EPA VI Guidance.
This week’s event is expected to draw internationally-recognized scientists, engineers, regulators, and attorneys with experience in getting sites to closure and focuses on the critical sustainability and technical issues that need to be considered in doing so.
Hamilton is no stranger to this kind of attention. She has presented at several national and international Environmental conferences, is a member of the National EPA VI Science Advisory Committee, and was just awarded a second term on the Board of Directors for the Midwestern States Environmental Consultants Association (MSECA). Her credentials in the area of VI speak for themselves; she oversees VI investigations and mitigations for all EnviroForensics projects, and she was the main author of the current Indiana Vapor Intrusion Guidance during her time at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s (IDEM) Office of Land Quality.