EnviroForensics’ Account Executive, Joe Miller, shares some insights from the 2019 NorthEast Laundry Association’s Annual Meeting and Fall Conference.
We were pleased to attend the 107th NorthEast Laundry Association (NELA) Annual Meeting and Fall Conference in Newport, Rhode Island. Established in 1911, NELA is one of the longest operating associations for textile supply and service companies in the country. NELA member companies clean and maintain reusable textile products like uniforms, sheets, table linen, shop and print towels, floor mats, mops and other items to businesses in all industries.
This year’s Annual Meeting and Conference was packed with opportunities for laundry operators to network, share ideas, and learn new ways to maintain and promote their businesses, and cultivate relationships.
Annual Meeting Overview
Breakfast and “Cracker Barrel” Session
Saturday started bright and early with the breakfast and “Cracker Barrel” session. All conference attendees gathered in the Newport Marriott’s Grand Ballroom to partake in the most important meal of the day and hear each vendor give a 30-second overview speech about their company and how they work hand-in-hand with the laundry operators. This was a useful session to get to know the players in the industry and break the ice in the process.

Educational Sessions
After everyone had a chance to reacquaint themselves, it was time for the education sessions. EnviroForensics had the honor of presenting on environmental investigations and insurance recovery. Our presentation, Environmental Investigation and Cleanup: Getting Into the Driver’s Seat, talked about the complex environmental investigation and cleanup process and how to minimize out-of-pocket costs and add value to your business.

After the presentation, we had the opportunity to learn more about individual NELA members concerns regarding environmental issues.
Learn how insurance archeology can find historical insurance policies that help protect businesses from environmental liability claims.
Capping off the educational sessions was the President of Fortune Web Marketing, Jennifer Rae Stine, who talked about digital marketing and how it can be applied to the textile industry. Her presentation focused on leveraging social media and search engine optimization (SEO) to “win the web,” and create new business in this mobile-driven, user-centric landscape in which we live.
Networking and Forging New Relationships
The conference ended with a formal dinner and reception where laundry owners and operators had another opportunity to mingle with vendors and sponsors in attendance and create new business connections. We talked with some laundry business owners about their own concerns with potential environmental liability, and answered questions about the process. As usual, it was rewarding to see small business owners come together around a common cause and talk about how they can continue to support one another.
If you want to become a member of the NorthEast Laundry Association, visit nelaundry.org.
Joe Miller, Account Executive
Joe Miller brings 15+ years of account management and environmental due diligence experience. He is a licensed mitigator and understands the technical aspects of contaminated sites as well as the associated business liabilities. As an Account Executive, Miller conducts preliminary assessments to help determine if historical coverage can be a funding option and provides proven solutions to private business owners including dry cleaners, small-large manufacturing facilities, municipalities, and redevelopment coalitions.