
An estimated 40% of land in the United States is used as farmland–that’s over 900 million acres of farmland managed by over 2 million individual farms, contributing nearly a trillion dollars to the US economy every year–which means the needs of the agriculture sector can vary greatly. With agriculture at the forefront of regulations and news with an increased awareness of water quality, property concerns, pesticide, and herbicide litigation, and the redefinition of Waters of the United States, the prosperity and compliance of our US farmlands will remain a priority well into the future.
To help keep these farms and their farm support businesses up and running, we offer services designed to keep AgriBusinesses, agricultural communities, and property owners, as well as municipalities and agricultural support providers, in compliance with the ever-increasing set of regulatory and litigation challenges.
We provide specialized services for agricultural properties including due diligence (Phase I Environmental Site Assessments), nutrient in groundwater/drinking water evaluation, nutrient run-off consulting, pesticide/herbicide/nutrient release investigation and remediation, compliance audits and reporting, including Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plans, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) monitoring, regulatory negotiation, and litigation support.
Agricultural is the backbone of America – from producers to transporters, and from support services to your kitchen table, the success of the agricultural industry means success for us all. We provided consulting services on a wide variety of project types. We see an investment in the Agribusiness sector as an investment in our communities, both local and nationwide.